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Chicago Cement Truck Accident Lawyer

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With the tremendous increase in online retail business, the familiar large, lumbering cement trucks have become a regular feature on the nation’s roadways, including highways and neighborhoods in Chicago. Cement trucks and vans make frequent stops, starts, turns, and reverses, increasing the chances of a collision. 

Most fully loaded cement vehicles outweigh standard cars by thousands of pounds, placing vulnerable motorists at risk. If a truck driver caused your accident, let our Chicago truck accident attorneys help you obtain compensation today.

What Are the Common Causes of Cement Truck Accidents in Chicago?

Cement truck accident numbers have steadily increased. Common causes of cement truck accidents in Chicago include:

  • Speeding to accomplish unrealistic building deadlines
  • Distracted driving, such as looking at navigational equipment or communicating with supervisors
  • Frequent stops, starts, turns, and reverses
  • Navigating unfamiliar neighborhoods
  • Improper vehicle maintenance
  • Unbalanced loads
  • Defective truck parts

Cement truck accidents in Chicago occur between a truck and a smaller vehicle, or between a cement truck and a pedestrian or bicyclist, often causing serious or catastrophic injuries. 

Injuries in Chicago Cement Truck Accidents

Because cement trucks can outweigh standard passenger cars by more than 20,000 pounds, serious injuries most commonly occur to motorists in smaller vehicles during a collision. Common injuries in Chicago accident claims involving cement vans and trucks include the following:

Injuries can quickly cause financial hardship for the victim and their families. When an accident is caused by a cement truck driver, the injury victim doesn’t have to bear the brunt of the related expenses. If you or someone you know has been involved in a cement truck accident and sustained serious injuries, our Chicago personal injury attorneys can help file a claim.

Who is Liable for an Accident With a Cement Truck in Chicago?

Illinois is a fault-based insurance state that requires car accident injury victims to prove the other driver’s liability to recover compensation from their insurance. Determining liability for a Chicago cement truck accident is more complex than typical car accident claims. Multiple entities could be liable for the victim’s damages or share a percentage of liability.

Large online retailer stores insulate their companies from direct liability for cement truck accidents by using cement truck service companies, third-party contractors, and independently contracted drivers. A cement service could bear third-party liability or the liable party could be a contracted driver. Independent contractors who deliver for major retailers carry special liability insurance to provide compensation for damages after an accident.

What Can I Gain From a Cement Truck Accident Claim?

Injuries are costly as well as painful, especially life-altering injuries that impact mobility or cause impairment. Even less serious injuries can also cause financial hardship for families with a single hospital bill. A successful cement truck accident claim in Illinois can recover compensation for damages such as:

  • Property damage to a vehicle
  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Past and future income loss
  • Lowered future earning ability due to disability
  • Pain and suffering
  • Non-economic damages that may apply in your individual case such as disfigurement, loss of enjoyment of life compensation, loss of limb, the loss of one of the senses, or PTSD

If a loved one died in an accident involving a cement truck, you could collect compensation through a wrongful death claim

How Can a Cement Truck Accident Lawyer In Chicago Help?

It takes an experienced Chicago cement truck accident lawyer to determine the correct liable party and compile evidence that an injury victim’s economic and non-economic damages were directly caused by a cement truck driver’s negligence or a defective truck part. Contact cement truck accident lawyers at Smith LaCien, LLP. We are ready to represent your best interests throughout your case for the best possible outcome.

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