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Posted By Legal Team | October 24 2023 | Pedestrian Accidents

Trucks, SUVs Behind Soaring Rise in Pedestrian Deaths

Last year, over 7,500 pedestrians tragically lost their lives while walking on roads. The number of fatalities shot up a whopping 77%, hitting a 40-year high. What’s behind this disturbing trend? One major factor is the proliferation of massive trucks and SUVs. They are bigger and bulkier than their predecessors, making them harder for drivers…

Posted By Legal Team | October 3 2023 | Brain Injuries

Falls a Leading Cause of TBI Among Seniors

Falls are a major cause of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) in the U.S., affecting the elderly more than any other age group, according to our Chicago brain injury lawyers. Seniors lose their balance more easily and fall off a ladder or slip on the ice more readily and lose the spring in their step. Some…

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