The condition of a state’s roads and highways can have a direct impact on the safety and well-being of the men and women who drive on them. Poor road conditions can lead to more preventable accidents and a higher likelihood of injuries. Recently, the Reason Foundation evaluated and ranked states based on the condition and safety of their roads.
The Annual Highway Report from the Reason Foundation looks at various factors to determine where a state should rank. The things evaluators look at include traffic congestion, pavement condition, spending per mile of road, and number of fatalities. The report finds that while overall spending on roads and highways is up, the condition of interstates through urban areas has deteriorated slightly.
Are Illinois roads safe?
If you are an Illinois driver, you may be curious about how your state ranks on this list. The condition of the roads you drive on has a direct effect on your personal safety and your family’s safety. In addition to the state of the road, the survey also looked at traffic patterns, the structural integrity of bridges and more. According to the results of the survey, Illinois ranks number 37 of 50 for overall road safety and condition. Consider the following:
Illinois ranks 15th for overall fatality rates.
Illinois is in the 32nd place for structural integrity of bridges.
Illinois ranks 32nd for pavement condition of urban interstates.
Illinois ranks 21st for rural interstate pavement condition.
Of all 50 states, Illinois ranks 37th for spending for road and interstate improvement measures. In contrast to other comparable states, Illinois is doing worse. These findings point out that lawmakers and state authorities should be actively working to improve road conditions and make the state a safer place to drive for residents and visitors.
Fault for your accident
When road conditions cause an accident, who is to blame? If you suffered injuries in an accident that you believe is the result of negligent road maintenance or other preventable factors, you have options available to you. It is possible you have grounds for a civil claim through which you may pursue appropriate compensation.
One way to better understand the legal options available to you is to seek an evaluation of your case as soon as possible after your accident. Personal injury cases are time-sensitive, and quick action is important for your success. Speak to an accident lawyer in Chicago about your case today.