The screeching of tires, the crunch of metal, and the smell of antifreeze, electrical wiring and other vehicle fluids can leave a lasting impression on you. It could take you years before you can smell antifreeze. You may flinch every time you hear tires screeching even if they are nowhere near you at the time. These subconscious remnants of a motor vehicle accident are not the only things that might stick with you for years to come.
A traumatic brain injury could alter your life in small and large ways. Even what doctors would consider a mild TBI can cause issues that do not allow you to return to the brain function you had prior to the accident. For instance, memory problems are not uncommon even after what doctors would consider a full recovery. However, what would happen if researchers could create a treatment that might alleviate these types of issues for all levels of TBI?
At present, doctors remain unable to accurately predict what will happen to you if you suffer from a TBI. The human brain remains a mystery to medical science in a number of ways, and one of them is determining just how an individual’s brain will react to trauma. Of course, they can use imaging tests to determine bleeding or other physical damage. The question mark comes from how any physical damage will affect brain function.
Another problem with brain injuries is that they do not always present themselves right away. An individual could be fine during an initial examination and end up back in the hospital days later, exhibiting signs and symptoms not previously detected. With so many variables and unknowns, it’s no wonder people have trouble recovering from such an injury.
Researchers continue to try to find a way to limit or eliminate the ramifications of a TBI, but so far, those efforts have not worked. However, new research may have found something that could help. Administering bio-manufactured exosomes intravenously within as soon after the trauma as possible may help arrest any damage and facilitate recovery. Another benefit of this type of treatment is that hospitals can put it on a shelf for use when needed.
Laboratory tests show promise so far, but it could be some time before such a treatment makes its way into hospitals and patients. In the meantime, your TBI may leave you with challenges for the rest of your life. If another person’s reckless or negligent behavior led to your current health issues, you may have the ability to pursue compensation for your financial losses and other damages. Contact the Chicago injury attorneys at Smith LaCien LLP to discuss your legal options and schedule a free case consultation.
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