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Chicago Jackknife Accident Lawyers

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Our nation’s supply change depends on large semi-tractor trailer trucks as an essential means of transporting freight into and out of Illinois and across other borders. Unfortunately, as much as Chicago residents rely on fully loaded commercial trucks, these trucks and trailers also pose significant safety risks to smaller vehicles sharing the road—outweighing them by as much as 76,000 pounds. Commercial trucks and their trailers also have high frames, significantly outsizing smaller cars. 

There were 5,837 fatal truck accidents in 2022 alone, with 70% of injuries to motorists in other vehicles. One of the most dangerous and destructive types of truck accidents in Chicago is a jackknife accident, often resulting in multi-car crashes.

What Is a Truck Jackknife Accident in Chicago?

A truck’s trailer must remain in alignment with the tractor to function safely. When a trailer comes out of alignment with the towing tractor, it sometimes pushes the truck’s cab forward and sideways, causing the truck to skid to a crashing halt—sometimes tipping over in the crash. When a truck and trailer accident results in both parts forming the shape of a partly open jackknife, it often blocks several lanes on a multilane highway, resulting in additional crashes when other vehicles don’t have time to stop or room to maneuver away. Chain reaction accidents and deadly trailer underride accidents sometimes add to the destruction of a truck jackknife accident.

Common Causes of Chicago Jackknife Truck Accidents

It takes several entities following Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) regulations and taking all reasonable precautions to ensure a safe, reliable truck and trailer is on the road and operated by a well-trained driver. Unfortunately, it only takes one error, negligent action, or piece of defective equipment to result in an accident. Common causes of truck jackknife accidents include:

  • An inexperienced or undertrained driver
  • Improper braking
  • Too-sudden turns or swerves
  • Unbalanced or unsecured loads that suddenly shift
  • Trailer hitch equipment failure
  • Failure to adjust speed to slippery road conditions
  • Tire blowouts
  • Taking too-sharp curves or speeding around curves
  • Mechanical problems such as defective brakes or steering systems
  • Axle locking

When a truck accident occurs, there may be one liable party or multiple parties could share liability depending on the circumstances of the accident. Speak to a truck accident attorney in Chicago today. 

Liability in Jackknife Accidents in Chicago

Because a variety of parties have roles in truck safety, it takes an investigation after a jackknife accident to determine liability. Common liable parties in truck jackknife accidents include the following:

  • The truck driver
  • The trucking company
  • A truck maintenance company
  • The manufacturer of a defective truck part, trailer part, or cargo-securing equipment
  • A negligent freight loading company

Less commonly, the liable party is a third-party driver or a negligent road maintenance or road planning agency.

Recovering Common Damages In a Jackknife Accident Claim

When a jackknifed truck blocks lanes of fast-moving traffic, the result can be multi-car collisions and underride accidents in which smaller vehicles become lodged under the truck’s trailer. Injuries can be grave or catastrophic or fatal. The liable party’s insurance must pay compensation for an injury victim’s damages, including past and future medical expenses, past and future income loss, diminished future earning capacity, and compensation for pain and suffering. In some cases, other damages apply such as traumatic limb loss, disfigurement, loss of sight or hearing, or the wrongful death of a loved one.

How Can a Chicago Truck Accident Lawyer Help?

Truck accident claims have complex issues of liability and other factors requiring experienced investigation and representation throughout the process for the best possible outcome. If you or a loved one suffered serious injuries in a jackknife accident, call the Chicago accident attorneys at Smith LaCien LLP so we can take action on your claim.

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